Raine Island - AIMS coral research - Wildlife Australia Guide Claimed
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AIMS coral research around Raine Island
Northern Great Barrier Reef, Tropical North Queensland.
AN AUSTRALIAN Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) research team has been conducting in-water surveys in addition to regular monitoring on the Great Barrier Reef in a bid to understand and mitigate recent coral bleaching that has affected reefs around the world.
AIMS, Australian science agency CSIRO and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) also released their joint publication, the Reef Snapshot which contains further information from aerial bleaching surveys conducted over the Great Barrier Reef in February and March.
AIMS CEO, Professor Selina Stead said, “Coral reefs are fundamental to the health of our oceans and the planet. More than half a billion people rely on them across the globe for nutrition, their livelihoods, and socially and culturally.
“Their biodiversity and beauty are unmatched in the ocean, and they provide critical protection for low lying coastal areas from flood and erosion, to name only a couple of external threats. This global event is one which will likely continue to develop for some time.”
AIMS prepared ahead of
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- Wildlife